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Technophobia series (novels and computer games)

I have a lot of plans for this series. The first novel "Technophobia: Operation Dead Circuit" is all but complete nearly ready to get published. The concept for the sequel is in my mind and I have a vague idea of what will come after. I'm toying with the idea of turning my game into a prequel, taking place on Mars, in the city of Geoshima. I plan to have some very quirky characters, and a lot of emotional content as the city is barely established at this point and everyone is stressed. I have some detailed concepts for the city,as you will know when you read the book. Unfortunately I can't imagine turning it into an open world game until a few other game developers are kind enough to join me.

The weapons are fictional, so I thought it would be helpful to put images of them on this website. so here they are

Weapons Log

Kami No Katana (Short film)

A sales rep is sent to value an ancient sword for insurance purposes. But all is not as it seems. He also happens to be a weapons specialist, sent by an evil corporate boss to aquire this mythical item by any means nessessary. The sword turns out to be a legendary Muramassa blade. It quickly drives the sales rep insane and he decides to keep it for himself. the only way to take it from him, is to pry it from his cold dead fingers. His boss is only too keen to oblige.

This story is written as a script. I spent about a year, writing and rewriting it, and now it's pretty solid. Most people like it when they read it. I want to make it into a short film, but currently lack the money and a team.